Seedlings should be planted in rows along the north-south axis, what provides uniform lighting of shrubs. The distance between rows should be 1.5-2m. The distance between the bushes in a row is 0, 8-1,2m. Seedlings at the walls of the buildings are planted about 60cm from them. This prevents from the dampening of walls by allowing for proper ventilation of shrubs. For planting in the garden, the most suitable are plants rooted in containers. Their advantage is that they can be planted at any time and it easy to take plants with the whole root balls. In a prepared soil, dig a hole with a diameter of 25cm and a depth of approx. 30cm. At the bottom of the hole put arable land or peat and water. If the soil is not sufficiently prepared dig the hole deeper by several centimetres and on the bottom give the digested manure mixed with soil and cover it with soil, so as to isolate it from direct contact with the roots.
Part that is over the ground should be backfilled with approx. 30cm of soil (mound) in order to protect the seedling against large frosts. In the spring, after frosts, the mound should be spread to expose part that is over the ground. Cut the seedling over the third eye in the aboveground part.
Grafted seedlings are planted at selected primers as in the description above, but the place of grafting must be 3cm above the ground.